About Class/Schedule
Agenda 24-25
You can find the daily work on the following link.
Ms. Gellings | Greenbrier Grade 6 | Ms. Gellings | Greenbrier Grade 6 | |
Normal Days | 2024-2025 | PLC DAYS | 2024-2025 | |
8:45 | Attendance / RTI - B | 8:45 | Attendance / RTI - B | |
Morning Work | Morning Work | |||
9:00 | ELA | 9:00 | ELA | |
10:00 | SPARKS | 10:00 | SOCIAL STUDIES | |
10:30 | SPECIAL AREAS | 11:00 | SPECIAL AREAS | |
11:15 | SOCIAL STUDIES | |||
11:30 | RTI | |||
12:00 | RTI | 12:00 | EARNED FREE TIME | |
12:25 | Lunch & Recess | 12:25 | Lunch & Recess | |
1:05 | MATH | 1:05 | MATH | |
2:35 | SCIENCE | |||
3:25 | Pack Up / DISMISS | 1:55 | Pack Up / Dismissal |
Grades are based on the following percentages:
90 - 100% = A 80-89% = B 70-79% = C 60-69% = D 0-59% = F
The following homework policies are in effect:
1.) Assignments need to be complete by arrival at 9 AM on the due date.
2.) Work may be redone.
Excused absences will get one make up day for each day missed. For example, if a student is absent on Monday and Tuesday, they will have Wednesday and Thursday as their makeup days and would need to be fully caught up when they arrive Friday.
Thank you for your continued support. If you have questions, please let me know.
Students may NOT retake an open book test. If a student wishes to retake a test they will need to fill out a test retake form and it will need to be approved by the teacher.
Greenbrier Elementary School participates in Power Schools. This provides parents a way to view student grades and attendance throughout the school year by simply logging on to our internet web site and entering your username and password. The web site can be accessed here:
Passwords can be signed for at our front office if you need yours. A picture ID is required.
Grades are updated at least once a week, usually more often. It is a good way for you to get quick feedback on a test or other assignment, and track overall grade averages. Attendance information is also available on Power Schools.
I strongly recommend keeping track of your child’s progress throughout the year using this program. As sixth graders, it is also important that they begin tracking their own progress on PowerSchools.
In order to guarantee your child and all the students in our classroom have the excellent learning climate they deserve, we are using the following plan.
Classroom Philosophy:
All students can behave appropriately.
Classroom Rule:
Do not cause a problem for others or ourselves.
Classroom Expectations:
· Be respectful
· Be responsible
· Be safe
Action Plan:
· If there is a problem, students will have an opportunity to fix it.
· If the student or students are unable to fix the problem, the teacher will do something.
Below is a matrix with some specific expectations.
Enter & Exit
Be quiet
Follow directions the first time
Greet others quietly and politely
Walk in a F.L.A.S.H. line
Go directly to where you need to be
Sign in and out (when required)
Use walking feet
Be respectful of learning
Instruction Time
Raise hand
Wait for your turn
Listen to classmates
Have materials ready
Keep desk area neat and clean
Use materials and tools appropriately
Stay seated with all chair legs on the floor
Be an active learner
Independent Work
Raise hand to be helped
Talk quietly when asking for help
Be on task
Have materials out and ready
Use materials and tools appropriately
Stay seated with all chair legs on the floor
Apply what you have learned
Cooperative Group Work
Listen to others ideas
Be cooperative
Participate in group discussions
Share in the work equally
Use materials and tools appropriately
Keep a clear walkway when working
Be open to new ideas and thoughts