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Greenbrier Elementary School

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Greenbrier Elementary School
Home of the Sidewinders!

Class Policies

UPDATED July 2023 ---  NOTE: This may be updated throughout the year.



My class website is located at:  /Domain/3597

There you will find various links, class policies, and reminders for work and various activities. The WORK AND OTHER NEWS is updated several times a week. Also, there is a calendar which will frequently show upcoming classroom tests and other events.



Grades are based on the following percentages:

90 - 100% = A             80-89% = B                 70-79% = C                 60-69% = D     0-59% = F

The following homework policies are in effect:

  • No points will be deducted on late work.
  • In certain situations, work may be redone. If a parent or student would like to request redoing an assignment, they will need to indicate WHY they feel a redo is needed and what steps they have taken to relearn the material. Also be aware that certain assignments will be required by the teacher to be redone. Redone work must be completed within 5 days if the end of that unit.

Excused absences will get one make up day for each day missed. For example, if a student is absent on Monday and Tuesday, they will have Wednesday and Thursday as their makeup days and would need to be fully caught up when they arrive Friday.


Greenbrier Elementary School participates in Power Schools. This provides parents a way to view student grades and attendance throughout the school year by simply logging on to our internet web site and entering your username and password. The web site can be accessed here:

Passwords can be signed for at our front office if you need yours. A picture ID is required.

Grades are updated at least once a week, usually more often. I strongly recommend keeping track of your child’s progress throughout the year using this program.  As sixth graders, it is also important that they begin tracking their own progress on PowerSchools.



GRADE 6 RULES                                                                                 GRADE 6 CONSEQUENCES

Raise your hand                                                                          Student will a get a verbal reminder

Be kind to yourself and others                                                  After verbal reminder if behavior continues students will have an in class timeout.

Stay on task and always do your best                                     If behavior still continues student will then fill out a behavior sheet                           

Keep hands, feet and other objects to yourself                     Continued misbehavior will be a timeout in another classroom & parent contact.


GRADE 6 REWARDS                                                                                                         GRADE 6 OTHER POSSIBLE REWARDS

Sidewinders— Individuals can save up for weekly cart or monthly store                     Group Free Time

Sammy’s—Class can earn rewards—See Sammy Chart                                              Positive Parent Communication

                                                                                                                                        Verbal Praise


Greenbrier 6th Grade Snack Policy


Greenbrier sixth grade students will have the option of having a snack at their desk prior to lunch. However, there are some very specific guidelines that are expected to be followed.

1.) Students may bring in snacks for themselves only. Snack must be individual sizes to be consumed that day. This is to ensure the safety of others (who may have allergies) and also the cleanliness of the classroom (we want to avoid bugs).

2.) Students may snack at their desk during non-instructional times prior to lunch. When the teacher is giving instruction, the snacks will be put away.

3.) Snack appropriateness will be judged on an individual basis.

4.) Snacks must be easily eaten and disposed of in a clean fashion.

5.) The snack, eating of the snack, and disposing of the snack cannot create a disruption.

6.) Drinks must be clear and in a spill proof container.


Snack suggestions                                                           Not allowed

apple slices                                                                         candy

Pop Tarts                                                                           chips (Doritos, Pringles, Ruffles, etc…)

Crackers                                                                             oranges (messy)

Pretzels                                                                              gum


Please be aware we are trying this out in an effort to be accommodating for our students. We have not done this in years past. For students to keep this privilege, the guidelines must be followed.

Be aware the guidelines may change if issues arise during the year.

Thanks for your understanding and support. If you have any questions, please contact your child’s teacher using the email address or phone number listed below.




If you ever need to contact me regarding any questions, concerns, or comments, there are some easy ways to reach me.

1.) Send in a note with your child.

2.) Leave a message on my voice mail at  602-467-5574.

3.) E-mail me. The address is .

Either way you contact me, please let me know specifically what you are contacting me about. Since some messages may just be for my information and may not require a response, please specify if you want a return call and leave a phone number where I can reach you. I will do my best to contact you the same day or the following day. Thank you.