Class Expectations
Show me S.N.A.P.
- Sit up Straight
- Nothing in your hands.
- Attention is on the speaker.
- Prepared to listen and learn.
We walk in a F.L.A.S.H. line.
- Face Forward
- Lips are closed
- Attention is to the front.
- Spine is Straight.
- Hands are by my side.
One key to a successful start to our year is that students are aware and understand my expectations of them as students in the classroom and campus wide. We spend several weeks practicing these expectations over and over and revisit them often throughout the year. I like to explain to my students that we are a family in our class and in order for our family to work together and have a successful year, we have rules that we all need to follow. We read several books on how to be a good classmate and have a class discussion on what we need to do for our class to be successful. I have listed below our general class rules that we will all be expected to follow:
We will listen and follow directions.
We will be nice to others.
We will use good manners.
We will raise our hand to talk.
We will take care of our property.
We will do our best EVERY DAY!
In our classroom we will use the schoolwide adopted PBIS behavior expectations. Students will be given Weeks tickets for displaying appropriate and positive behavior. Undesirable behavior will be addressed with a variety of interventions, which may include a reflection think sheet, time alone, or time in a buddy classroom. Major concerns will be addressed by communication via a note, Class DOJO or an email home to families.