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Greenbrier Elementary School

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Greenbrier Elementary School
Home of the Sidewinders!

About the Teacher



Welcome to Greenbrier! I will be your child’s Special Education teacher this year. I have a Bachelor’s Degree in Elementary Education and a Master’s Degree in Educational Leadership.  I also have an Early Childhood Endorsement and a Gifted Provisional Endorsement.  I have been teaching for 28 years in the Deer Valley Unified School District with experience in general education in 2nd, 3rd and 5th grade, ELD in K-6 and Special Education K-8 focusing in the areas of LD, ED and MMR.  In my free time, I enjoy hiking, camping, reading, cooking and am a worldwide traveler who enjoys learning and experiencing new cultures. I have an amazing husband and daughter who are very loving and supportive of me. I am very pleased to be working with your child this year.  Working together will be an important part of the plan to educate your child.  I look forward to an exciting, positive, and successful year with you and your child.

Feel free to contact me if you have questions or concerns about your child.


Contact Information:

Room 204

(602) 467-5570