Supply List
2nd GRADE:
1- Set of over ear Headphones—in a Ziploc bag with your child’s name
1-Plastic Pencil Box (NO ZIPPER)
2- Wide Ruled Spiral Notebooks (all lines)
3- Laminated 2-Pocket Folders (one yellow, red, and blue)
1- Package of large pink erasers
1-Box 24 count crayons
1-Package Black Pens
1-Package of 24 Count Colored Pencils (not erasable)
1-Package Broad-Tip Crayola washable markers
1-Package of regular Expo marker (thick not thin)
1- Pack of Yellow Broad-Tip Highlighters (thick)
1-Pair scissors, 5” pointed, not rounded (please no adult size scissors)
1-Large package of glue sticks
1-Ream of White Copy Paper
1-Ream of White Cardstock
1-Ream of Neon/Colored Copy Paper
1-Package of Post-It Notes
1-Box of “zip-type” bags (1 quart) – Boys
1-Box of “zip-type” bags (gallon) – Girls
1-Box of “zip-type” bags (sandwich)
Box of tissues
Lysol Wipes